Let God Be Present to You As a Couple!

 Every individual and every couple needs God to love them. For love is a shared work between God and us. Our work is to open our hearts wide to God. When we do so he transforms our humanity.

Make your marriage better in five weeks!


Participate in the Marriage in Christ seminar. Watch the video to discover the heart of the Marriage in Christ seminar.

The Marriage in Christ seminar for churches

The Marriage in Christ seminar is available for use in a wide variety of Christian churches or groups. Learn how to sponsor the Marriage in Christ seminar at your church.

The Marriage in Christ seminar At Home - at your own pace

The Marriage in Christ At Home Seminar is an easy-to-use online program in the comfort of your own home. Five sessions. At your own pace. Simple and practical. You connect with God and deepen your friendship and unity with each other. 

The Marriage in Christ At Home seminar -  five awesome date nights! 

Your first date is on us! 

$40.00 donation for the rest of the online seminar.

Enjoy your free date now!

Email info@marriageinchrist.com to access Week One.